Job Descriptions
The Director oversees all aspects of the production including, but not limited to casting, artistic vision, rehearsals, operating within budget, and coordinating or ensuring that all requirements for a successful production are met.
Lighting Director
The Lighting Director is responsible for analyzing the production lighting requirements and creating a lighting design to enhance the artistic vision of the show. The Lighting Director is also responsible for creating the lighting plot, scheduling and directing hang and focus sessions, programming all light cues for the production, and ensuring that the design and operations are maintained for the duration of the production.
Set Build Leader
The Set Build Leader uses the Set Designer’s drawings and blueprints to realize the Set Designer’s vision for onstage scenery. Additionally, the Set Build Leader coordinates volunteers assisting with the build process.
Assistant Production Coordinator / Stage Manager
(for radio plays only)
The assistant production coordinator is responsible for assisting the production coordinator, helping to procure minimal props and costumes, administrative tasks, and assisting with running the show on performance dates.
Stage Manager
The Stage Manager assists the Director with scheduling, coordinates rehearsal spaces, assists the rehearsal process, helps run of performances, works as a liaison between the cast and Director to dictate any announcements or information, and fulfills other duties assigned by the Director.
The Choreographer works hand-in-hand with the Director to enhance the show’s artistic vision through the use of blocking and choreography. The Choreographer also leads the dance rehearsals.
Sound Director
The Sound Director is responsible for analyzing the production sound requirements and creating a sound design to enhance the artistic vision of the show. The Sound Director is also responsible for determining the equipment needs for the production, creating all sound cues for the production, and ensuring that the design and operations are maintained for the duration of the production.
Sound / Lights
The person in this role will design and run sounds and lights for rehearsals and performances.
Note: The time commitment and skill level required for running the light and sounds for the radio play is much less intense than it would be for a full-length performance, so this would be a great role for both seasoned techies and newbies alike!
Music Director
The Music Director’s main responsibility is to teach the vocal music to the cast. Additionally, the Vocal Director runs the vocal rehearsals and ensures the cast is maintaining proper vocal health. Other responsibilities include assembling and working with all the musicians or software needed for the production. The Music Director also directs the cast for the duration of the production.
Set Designer
The Set Designer creates and designs onstage environments in order to convey the artistic vision of the show in relation to the specific spaces noted within the script. The Set Designer ensures that all safety, budgetary, and facility constraints are maintained.
Production Coordinator
(for radio plays only)
The production coordinator is responsible for casting, minimal costuming, setting a rehearsal schedule (about 4 - 5 rehearsals), and making directorial decisions for the radio play performance. If you’d like to dip your toes in the waters of directing, this would be a great role for you!